23 May 2019

Iz'ldra - Primaris Dreadnought of the Salamanders

While I still have more dwarves to share I thought it would be nice to break up the posts with the other bits I've been working on.

A while back I won a painting competition in my local Games Workshop, and the prize was a primaris dreadnought sprayed gold(ish). While it was nice to have a trophy to commemorate it, I decided pretty quickly that since it was a model I was going to paint it. It took me a while to decide on a chapter but I eventually decided I'd like to paint some green so went with Salamanders. Here's the result:

Normally, I like to paint models this big in sub-assemblies. As I received this guy already built I found getting to some parts a challenge, especially when cleaning mould-lines and where he had been clipped from sprue. Because of this, and because I'm really coming to appreciate a grittier look to 40k models, I decided to make him pretty dirty. When the whole thing was painted I went over it with patches of Agrax Earthshade and built up mud and dust around the lower parts and, really, wherever I felt like it. This covered up a couple of building mistakes as well as some spatter from my airbrush, while also giving some variation to the model that would otherwise be lacking.

As a gaming piece I think you'll agree he came out very well. I've decided I really like painting dreadnoughts and can't wait to try another one, maybe this time in Blood Angels colours.

Next up will be more dwarves, but until then, happy painting! 

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