16 February 2014

Demon Entries 2013

So among the things I did while this blog was offline was enter Golden Demon UK for the first time. I brought two entries: a tzeentch sorcerer and Eowyn from the LotR range. While neither of them placed, both made finalist and for a first time entering that's not bad. I learned a lot painting these and sizing them up against the competition - mostly that I need to work on my basing - and I look forward to entering again in the future. Anyway, I hope you like them. Let me know what you think!

Tzeentch Sorcerer - Fantasy Single Entry

Eowyn - Lord of the Rings Entry

As an added bonus, the Tzeentch Sorcerer also placed first in a painting competition at my local GW shortly before Golden Demon. Both of these guys are painted to TT+1, of course.

Next up on the blog will be some tabletop level guys I've been working on recently. Until then, happy painting!

08 February 2014

Elves and Promises

Looking through this blog I noticed I'd forgotten to post some photos of a Prince Althran model I did a while back. I painted him (at TT+1) to mimic the one by Will Davies and was pretty pleased with the result. Looking back, I agree the sword is not the best, but as he was given away some time ago there's no changing him now. (The recipient was quite pleased with him, so we'll call that a win.) I hope you like him!

Despite the photos - which you'll notice are not as good as the orc's were, I've learned a thing or two since I took these - he's not a bad paint job, and, even though he's no longer in my possession I have a second one waiting to be painted. I'm looking forward to an opportunity to correct some mistakes (mainly the sword) and try out some new colours.

Now onto some other news. Some very pretty pictures are on their way (just waiting to get them on my laptop), but after that things are going to get a little out of focus. By this I mean I'll be using my phone to take photos for a while, as I no longer have a camera. I hope to get a new one before the summer arrives, but until I do it'll be whatever my mobile can manage. Luckily I don't have any TT+1 pieces on the go at the moment (too busy with college), but there's plenty of Tabletop hobby on the way as I attempt to chip away at my (gigantic) backlog of models.

Until then, happy painting!