06 July 2024

Return of the Chaplain

Waaaay back in the beginning you may recall I painted a Blood Angels Chaplain for a friend. A lot has happened since then and said friend left the continent for greener pastures, downsizing his collection to make the trip easier.
I remember painting that chaplain with fondness and never imagined I'd see him again. The wargaming community around these parts is small, though. Unbeknownst to me, my first chaplain model traded hands to a friend of a friend not far from where I originally left him, and made his way back to me as a gift when I joined that gaming group!
He was a little banged up and dusty, but a clean up and a touch up where the paint had chipped had him better than new again, and here he is!

This blast from the past now stands proudly in the display with more recent minis and I couldn't be happier. I have quite a few newer pieces yet to be posted, but until then enjoy sharing this memory with me.
Happy painting! 

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