06 August 2024

Blood Raven Dreadnought

I love dreadnoughts, especially the original boxy ones. Recently, I was lucky enough to be asked to paint a venerable dreadnought for a friend. He plays Blood Ravens and it was a restoration job. Fortunately, it was a metal dread, and metal is great for stripping and restripping. Unfortunately, it was a metal dread, and those things are heavy, fit poorly, and rife with casting problems!

What I thought would be a quick and easy job (full disclosure, I did not realize it was metal at the start) quickly became much more complicated. I took apart more metal pieces than I thought the model could possibly include, then filed and sanded all of it, followed by milliputting, then sanding the milliput, then pinning just to get it ready for painting! After that, I felt I'd put so much effort to making it I'd have to give painting it extra attention. It's still what I'd call a tabletop piece, but I'm very happy with the result. (So was my friend!)


Yes, the banner/scrolls/scratches are freehanded. I left a couple of scrolls blank as I felt it was becoming cluttered with script. I also had no idea what to write. Perhaps once it has earnt some victories on the table I'll be asked to add some accolades...

I hope I'll be able to paint another dread soon. They really are a joy. I also hope it'll be plastic.

Until then, happy painting!


31 July 2024

Blood Bowl: Imperial Nobility Team

I said this month was going to be a good one! We're just in time for one more post and it's a big one. Please give a very warm welcome to the Imperial Nobility Blood Bowl Team!


These are not really part of my backlog of painted miniatures I have yet to show off. These are fresh off the painting table and, like most of my projects, started out as "something quick" and became a labour of love. All the numbers are freehand, as are the names!

I'd like to point out that the two blitzers were an absolute pain to paint the names on, because not only was there a deep bend in the parchment but it points down! You can't even see the writing unless you tilt the model!

I'm really proud of these as tabletop-ready minis so I've decided to make them the inaugural models of my Instagram page. That's right, I've finally decided to learn how to use social media to show off models and get feedback. Let's not make a big deal about it, do feel free to search samspaintingsaga on Instagram!


30 July 2024

Necron Overlord

I decided to try out some fluorescent paints and OSL. I've never used fluorescent paints and I'm not great at OSL. Nevertheless, here's the result!

Not perfect by any means, but not bad for the tabletop! I think I'll try to do a small Necron force in this scheme.

Until next time, happy painting!

14 July 2024

Poxbringer AKA Herald of Nurgle

This is going to be a good month for catching up on sharing models!
Here is my Herald of Nurgle. Not much to say about this one. I love Nurgle models because you don't have to worry too much about being tidy, so they're very relaxing to paint. Hope you like it!

Until next time, happy painting!  

06 July 2024

Return of the Chaplain

Waaaay back in the beginning you may recall I painted a Blood Angels Chaplain for a friend. A lot has happened since then and said friend left the continent for greener pastures, downsizing his collection to make the trip easier.
I remember painting that chaplain with fondness and never imagined I'd see him again. The wargaming community around these parts is small, though. Unbeknownst to me, my first chaplain model traded hands to a friend of a friend not far from where I originally left him, and made his way back to me as a gift when I joined that gaming group!
He was a little banged up and dusty, but a clean up and a touch up where the paint had chipped had him better than new again, and here he is!

This blast from the past now stands proudly in the display with more recent minis and I couldn't be happier. I have quite a few newer pieces yet to be posted, but until then enjoy sharing this memory with me.
Happy painting! 

11 January 2024

Bloaty McBloatface

This post has been a long time coming.
Last year I went to Warhammer Fest and entered Golden Demon for the first time in I can't remember how long. I chose a Bloat Drone in the vehicle category and it was a sprint to the finish line to get him in before entries closed. It's been a long time since I tried to push myself to competition painting and I decided to use new tools like enamels and oil washes, and lots of texture and brush strokes to make a suitably Nurgly entry.
Bloat Drone Image 1
Bloat Drone Image 2

And some shots with a more atmospheric white balance. This is Nurgle, after all.

Bloat Drone Image 3
Bloat Drone Image 4
Bloat Drone Image 5
Bloat Drone Image 6
Bloat Drone Image 7
Bloat Drone Image 8
Sadly, he didn't even make finalist. Partly, I suspect this was entering on the second day, but I can see a lot that I wish I'd spent more time on. Still, I'm very proud of the floating eye. I think it gives a lot of personality to a push-fit miniature from a starter set. Oh, here's a video of him spinning:
Bloat Drone 360 video
I'm looking forward to entering again this year. Guess I should start preparing something now so it's not such a mad dash at the end. I would like to avoid transporting my painting setup with me again!
Until next time, happy painting!