29 September 2014

Slapdash Dwarf Heroes!

Some months ago I left you with a little teaser:

Now, wonder no more! The time has come to reveal what the model to the thunderer's left - the right hand side of the photo: confusing, I know - is. Drumroll please!...

It was, of course, a dwarf slayer! (OK, admittedly that wasn't much of a teaser. Next time it'll be harder, I promise.) Actually it was one of two dwarf slayers that have been sitting on my shelf waiting to be photographed for some time. Why have they been waiting? Well, I wanted to get them together with...

...their thane! This guy had been sitting almost complete for ages because I forgot how I painted the bases on the others. Eventually I decided to just come up with a scheme that matches closely enough and got him finished. Since then I've kept detailed records of my painting recipes for the army models, particularly my vampires because I really want them to look uniform. It's definitely worth having a record of what paints you used in what order if you're prone to experimenting with mixes!

These models, like most of the dwarves I own, are from the 7th edition starter kit Battle for Skull Pass and despite their simplicity I'm rather fond of them and pleased with how they came out. There's more to come on the dwarf front soon, but before then I think we'll be seeing a little 40k. :)

Finally, some of you may have noticed the new tab at the top of this blog. That's right, I'm adding a gallery! I've been looking for instructions for one I like and finally decided I'd just learn some simple code. Right now it's just a prototype, but I'll be filling it with photos as soon as I get a chance.

That's all for now. Thanks for looking and, as always, happy painting!

18 September 2014

Please... No More Elves!

So among the models I painted over the summer were some high elves. Twenty horses to be exact - 5 Dragon Princes and 15 Ellyrian Reavers. The Dragon Princes were by far the most annoying to paint. They'd been bought secondhand from someone who built them before adding in the front legs, and had managed to make two horses with the wrong sides. It was a real mess, but luckily you won't have to see them as I didn't get any good photos. Instead you get to see the Reavers!

(Bases were left bare at the recipient's request.)

Now I've had my fill of elves. Painting lots of cavalry with lots of white and gems is painstaking work. Instead I'm working on my own vampire counts, trying to put a dent in the horde of undead still waiting to be painted on my shelf. These guys take a lot of work, too, but at least there's no white or gems.

With a little luck you'll see some finished pictures of these guys soon.  Anyway, I hope you like these and until next time - happy painting!

14 September 2014

...aaaaand we're back!

Once again this blog has been quiet for a while and to my multitudinous - well, four - followers who no doubt have been wondering what had happened to my already irregular posts, I apologize. Things have been busy. Life (defined as a series of distractions and interruptions to your hobby) got in the way. Since the last post I finished my final year exams, went scuba diving, finished college, got an internship with a research group, finished college, did some commission work and did I mention I finished college? I don't know if you can tell but I'm pretty excited about having finished my degree. Well, excited's not the word. Terrified would be closer. I'm now doing my best to get back into college for some postgrad stuff and avoid actually working which is really tiresome. But in the meantime there are updates to be had and to show my commitment to my goals for this blog I'm going to share some that will be completed in the near future:

1. Vampire Counts - this army is still very much an active project for me and has come along a little since the spirit hosts were completed, and with the release of the undead legions army (yes I got Nagash, of course I got Nagash have you freaking seen him?!) I'm really eager to get these models painted. Expect to see grave guard, more skeletons, and zombies soon!

2. Dwarfs - no this army hasn't been forgotten. Actually I have more dwarfs painted than undead right now they're just not based. That will change soon as I'm going to enlist some help to do the boring bit of base coating the bases, and we'll finally discover what those mysterious models beside the thunderers were...

3. Eldar - my brother bought the new rule book and sucked me back into 40k, so I'm also working on my eldar army. To be honest I'll be pretty happy just to get the models fully assembled (the last few games have been played with a pair of legs to represent my wraithknight), but since a lot of models need to be painted in parts before assembly (tanks, the wraithknight, wraithguard with weapons over their chests) I'm not sure how that's going to be accomplished while working on the models above.

4. TT+1 pieces - it's been a while since I've painted anything to the best of my ability and I'm feeling a bit rusty. But I've got a ticket to Golden Demon and started working on an entry, so there'll be at least one of my better models on this blog in the next month!

I guess that's all for now. Next up will be some photos, so keep an eye out!

Happy painting!