17 April 2012

With Many Thanks to Alice (Part 3)

At last, it's here. Part 3 of the Dreadfleet log. What follows are the finished photos of the Dreadfleet set I painted, taken some weeks after they were delivered to their new home. A couple of things to bear in mind: the lighting was not perfect when I took these photos. Unfortunately I wasn't able to take the set back home so I had to make do with the natural light where they were. As a result they're not the best pictures, but I'm happy enough that they're reasonably accurate or, rather, I'm not taking any more. The only exception is the Black Kraken, which I just couldn't get in focus and I will make an effort to photograph again at a later date. The other thing I would like to point out is that a couple of the ships were damaged in storage, notably the Swordfysh and the Bloody Reaver, the tips of the masts of which have been bent or snapped off. I strongly suggest that anyone who has this set get the battlefoam trays to carry it and keep these beautiful models safe.

Before I move onto the photos, I'd like to thank my girlfriend Alice, who was instrumental in ensuring the set was completed. Not only did she put up with me spending so much time playing with toy pirate ships (and occasionally painting them :P) but when I just had too much to do she lent her artistic hand to the task, taking over the painting of several pieces of terrain and ships (well, the wash layers anyway). Thank you very much Alice! I couldn't have done it without you.

Onto the photos.
First, the terrain pieces.

Some Gaming Pieces

Some Monsters

Auxiliary Cogs

The Dreadfleet

The Grand Alliance

A final note - without a doubt my favourite ship was the Skabrus. Painting the undead fish skin was really fun. In contrast with this was the flaming scimitar, which was a pain to get the cream coloured sails. I spent so much time on the sails that I decided to paint the innermost sail with all flame details, instead of one fire, one water, one wind, to save time. Looking back, I'm not sure I'm so happy with it and I may rectify it in the future. Also, I've actually omitted another photo, that of the ruler. It was too big to take a decent picture on the day and I will have to see if I can do something about that later on.

OK, that's enough of Dreadfleet. I'm tired of pirates. In the next few days expect to see the last of the wood elves as well as a nurgle lord appearing here!

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